Devlog 1 - Tenjing Norsang

1. In your area, what were your team's goals for the past week?

  • In my area, the team's goals were to put together the assets made by the art's division to create an animation for our interactive media. We also worked on creating a logo for the game.

2. In your area, which of these goals have been accomplished by the team?

  • All goals have been met by the team in my area.

3. In your area, what are the team's goals for next week?

  • In my area, the team's goals for next week are to continue working on the Game Design Document and micro spread sheet.

4. As an individual, what have you accomplished in the past week?

  • I worked on the animation for our team's interactive media and created a mood board.

5. As an individual, what will you accomplish by next week to stay on time?

  • I want to continuing working on designing the UI and other screens besides gameplay such as title screens, level  select, etc.

6. As an individual, what will you need to learn to accomplish these goals?

  • I will have to research other games' screens and and UIs. Most likely games that are similar to the project.

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